Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year & Welcome To My Blog

With 2008 only a memory I am reminded of just how quickly time goes by. Truly, life is like a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanisheth away. It's been said that life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. Each of us are surrounded by breathtaking moments daily, but many times they go unnoticed because we are too busy looking for grandeur and fail to recognize the truly extraordinary in the simple things. The world we live in today has become such a fast paced, materialistic, got to have it now society that we don't slow down long enough to smell the roses and if we did stop to smell the roses along the way they would probably be in the floral department at our local grocery as we dashed through just to grab a couple of things and not on a rose bush in our own yard that we've cultivated with our own two hands. We no longer invest time into things that don't produce instant reward. We have to constantly keep our guard up to not be swept away with this raging tide of materialism and business. We don't mean to be swept away, it just happens. We make our list of priorities, we learn to say no (sometimes) and we vow to slow down, but somehow we go from the shoreline with the gentle waves tickling our toes to being pulled under by the riptide. As this brand new year begins and we have 365 clean pages, actually 360 now, to fill any way we wish let's try and remember that the best things in life aren't things, focus on what's truly important, look for creative ways to make the most of what we have and enjoy all of our blessings.
I'm excited about my new blogging adventure and look forward to sharing tips and ideas and with you and offering bits of encouragement. Since this is all new to me, please bear with me as I learn what I am doing and feel free to give advice. It is always welcome. Last year's venture was designing my own web site. They say you should never stop trying and learning new things, so here's to a year filled with new knowledge and new friends.


  1. Thanks for your visit! I really like what you wrote. What a great inspiration. Kristen

  2. Thanks for the comment. Hopefully I'll take to blogging like a duck takes to water and be able to contribute things that are interesting and helpful. Keep making time for bubble baths at midnight! If you do, by the time he's grown you'll have a treasure chest of memories to cherish and he will too.

  3. I am thankful that I discovered your blog today. With the title of "Grand Occasions", I am sure I will be visiting often.

  4. It is so.. nice to meet you. I can hardly wait to see what you do with your blog! Thanks for the sweet things you said about my tablescape. Please.. come by my blog often. I will add you to my favorites list. Hugs, Terrie

  5. Hi there! I stumbled upon your blog and I thought I'd leave you a note. I'm a photographer that specializes in weddings so maybe we will get the chance to work together some day. Keep up the good work. Your blog is great!

